Prior Speakers at OCRW Meetings

Below is just a sampling of the excellent speakers we have had at our monthly meetings.

Mitch Prosser with Palmetto Family Council

The Palmetto Family Council’s vision is to see a South Carolina where God is honored, religious freedom is preserved, families thrive and life is cherished.  Palmetto Family Council focuses on seven core values as they relate to family: Faith, Marriage, Parenting, Education, Stewardship, Commerce, and Culture.  Mitch will be speaking about the legislative agenda for the upcoming session which will include:

  • Ending Human Trafficking in SC
  • Parental Rights
  • Help Not Harm
  • Education Opportunity
  • Foster and Adoptive Care
  • ESG


Loren Spivack

Loren Spivack is a popular author, economist and political activist. Before becoming active in politics, he worked for several non-profits and as a management consultant for both profit and non-profit companies. Mr. Spivack founded “Free Market Warrior” in 2009 in an effort to make a positive difference in American politics and economics.  Loren’s presentation is entitled “The Stakes: Why We Fight”. He addressed what is going on in our country and what “The Stakes” really are.

Dr. Robert Jackson

Dr. Robert Jackson is one of the strongest pro-life voices in America today.  His 40 plus years as a medical doctor in Spartanburg demonstrates his intellect, skills, insight, and compassion.  He is a bold and engaging speaker on both pro-life issues and concerns related to medical freedom and the treatment of COVID.  Dr. Jackson graduated from Clemson University and the Medical University of SC.  He is a strong Christian.  Dr. Jackson spoke to us about medical freedom. In September of 2021, Dr. Jackson testified in front of the SC Senate Medical Affairs Committee relaying his first-hand knowledge of hospitals in SC dictating treatment protocols to the doctors and banning doctors from treating patients with COVID on a one on one, doctor to patient basis.  Dr. Jackson is the author of three books: “The Family Doctor Speaks: The Truth About Life”, “The Truth About Seed Planting” and “Turkey Tales and Bible Truths”.  He also has a podcast entitled “More than Medicine”.  

Following are sources and takeaways from Dr. Jackson’s speech:

Jackson Family Ministry Website

FLCCC Treatment Protocals

COVID post vaccine injury treatment protocal

Reliable RX Pharmacy– to purchase Ivermectin without a prescription

Blessed By His Blood

More Than Medicine Podcast

Book recommendation “The War On Ivermectin” Dr. Peter Kory

Dr. Jackson’s view on why all of this is happening:

  1. To undermine US Sovereignty– Global Elites are promoting One World Government. COVID and this vaccine are playing right into their hands to undermine the sovereignty of the United States and to take away our freedom.
  2. Depopulation– There are those that are looking to depopulate our planet. This vaccine has caused many deaths, infertility, miscarriages and still births.  Ted Turner and Bill Gates are both on record saying that they think a sustainable population on this planet is 500 million.  There are 7 billion people on this planet. Bill Gates is one of the biggest proponents of this vaccine. 
  3. Greed– There was a huge wealth transfer to a few wealthy individuals and major corporations during the pandemic. 

Karen Iacovelli 

Ms. Iacovelli MBA, LLD is a founding partner of the Philadelphia Trust Co, author of Crisis in Education, served as governor’s appointee to the Education Oversight Committee, is a Board member of SC Citizens for Life, President of the Good Shepherd Foundation, served on the board of Special Forces and WLS nonprofits (Veterans), has a donor relationship with Frontline Critical Care Covid Alliance (FLCCC), is a partner in P.I. Holdings Real Estate Investment, and a private sector trend analyst.   

In her presentation she referenced the following sources:

Laura Scharr with SC Safe Elections

Laura is a team leader for SC Safe Elections.  She has done extensive work with regard to election irregularities.  Cast vote records, which contain no personal information, are available in many states and were available in South Carolina prior to 2020. The Election Commission refused FOIA requests based on an opinion letter they solicited from the AG’s office.  SC Safe Elections has filed a lawsuit to try to obtain this information. Laura spoke to our group about the cast vote records and why she feels it’s important they be released.   Here is a video regarding the lawsuit:

Dr. Michael Thorsland, Superintendent Oconee County

Dr. Thorsland began his career as a high school math teacher. After teaching for six years, he became a high school assistant principal, then principal. His undergrad degree is from Clemson University in Secondary Mathematics Education. He has school leadership degrees from the University of South Carolina and Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Thorsland has resided in Oconee County for 17 years and has been superintendent for the last 8+ years. Dr. Thorsland spoke to general topics and to questions submitted by members. Since the 1960’s, while Oconee’s census doubled, the student population remained flat. Annual school budget > $100mil, with 90% being employee salaries. “Teacher retention this year is increasingly difficult”; new CFO Jay Schickling moved from NY with his young family. Oconee County schools had no Covid vaccine mandates for students or teachers; federal Covid school funding was delivered in four allocations, totaling over $30mil for the 10,000 enrolled students and for use before 2024; pandemic dollars funded employee bonuses and the replacement of HVAC’s in older schools. When four 8th graders at Walhalla Middle posted their shock-rap song, safety and security measures were examined; two of the four students were disciplined. Each school has an SRO, with self-contained buildings secured by single-point entrances; employees cannot CCP carry at this time, although the sheriff is a fan and CCP could still be activated. Test scores show that kindergarteners in Oconee start out behind, but over time catch up. “There is no CRT in our SC curriculum.”

Kristie Burr (Director) and Jim Murray (Chairman), Oconee County Board of Elections

Ms. Burr and Mr. Murray provided a behind the scenes look at how balloting works in Oconee County as well as how early voting works.  They showed how the ballot marking device and GS200 scanner work and talked about the security of the ballots.  In 2019 this ES&S system was implemented statewide.  Attempting to vote more than once is a felony. 

Bill Sandifer, State Representative District 2

Rep. Bill Sandifer spoke on the status and update on abortion Bill H-5399.  As Chair of the Labor, Commerce & Energy Committee, he introduced legislation to attract military retirees to SC via a tax-exempt benefit; approved a grant program for volunteer fire departments’ purchase of turnout gear and other equipment; established a state-supported scholarship fund to attend technical colleges; established a reserve fund to address state’s opioid epidemic.  As Vice Chair of Southern States Energy Board (18 entities) bring much needed revenue into SC, Rep. Sandifer then shifted gears toward local issues stating, “this political crisis right here is like a cancer, eating away at the fabric of the things we believe in and we need to do something about it…my congratulations to OCRW and OCRM, who are in my mind the local Republican Party.”  If we want economic development, we’ll need work force growth and more people in this county. 

Dr. Anselmo “Mo” Nunez and wife Kathleen

A retired vascular surgeon, Dr. Nunez’ presentation “Cuban Revolution: One Family’s Story” details Castro’s communist takeover. Eerily similar to America’s divisions today, Fidel’s “revolutionaries” were young, idealistic, middle class lawyers, socialist teachers and corrupted “free press”. Under communist oppression, class warfare would divide families; friends betrayed each other; gun ownership was outlawed; religion repressed. Family photos define not only their Nunez family story but paralleled Cuba’s as well. Americans must: preserve the 2nd amendment, stop illegal immigration, elect citizen-legislators, remake bloated institutions to again serve We, The People.

Dr. Sam McDonald, Liaison for Convention of States (COS)

Retiring after 33 years at Westinghouse Electric, at age 70, Dr. McDonald became politically active. To visually demonstrate the overgrowth of our federal government, he held up a pocket Constitution. Next, he hefted the obviously weighty Annotated US Constitution. The COS wants three things; 1) restricting power of jurisdiction or returning power back to the individual states; 2) term limits; 3) fiscal responsibility. Another major COS goal is building personal relationships and communications with the members of the House and Senate. Dr. McDonald describes an acute need for COS volunteers.

James Quarles, Southeast Regional Coordinator of Heritage Action for America

Mr. Quarles grew up in Seneca, and in 2015 graduated from Clemson University. Heritage Action for America is a conservative policy analysis think tank and conducts policy research in Washington DC with focuses on economic and defense policies. A 501c3, they’re organized region wide, with a mission of holding members of Congress accountable. James spoke on Critical Race Theory (CRT), Election Integrity and what we can do. CRT is funded by private money, with 60% originating from grants. The name CRT is forever and intentionally changing. A solid and positive website resource recommended is which states that ” America’s largest Teachers Union supports CRT.” James also remarked on the negative impacts of NSBA or National School Board Association. Fellow guest Dr. Meghan Ketterman, Oconee County School Board (Council District 2) stood up to comment that Oconee County and the state of SC “pulled our membership from NSBA.”

Joey Hudson- Host of “The Morning Answer” 

The Morning Answer is a caller driven, live, local news and talk radio program on Greenville’s FM radio station 94.5.  Highlights of Joey’s career include how he evolved into a Christian-Conservative weekday talk radio host.  Executive director of Gallagher’s Army Fallen Officer Fund, he’s also the driving force behind “The First Responder’s Bible” and is a lay minister through Christ Church Episcopal. Joey outlined his recommendations for changing election outcomes, the regaining of the US House, gaining majority in the US Senate, and recruitment and support of local school board candidates.