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The OCRW has been establishing strong action committees since 2018. Standing Committees and Special Committees offer EVERY Republican, men and women, the opportunity to get involved and make an impact. The following committees are available:
Caring For America Committee: The purpose is to change lives and show that we care about our community by supporting local charities such as the Foothills Care Center and Safe Harbor.
Bylaws Committee: The purpose is to educate all members and non-members on the bylaws and modifications to the bylaws that may be necessary.
Legislative Committee: Republican women are concerned about the future and want to stay informed on policies and/or legislation that has an impact on all of us. The Legislative Committee helps follow legislation and inform our members of impending actions that need to be taken.
Membership Committee: Growing our membership is a priority. Bringing in new members will keep our club healthy and vibrant as they bring new ideas.
Public Relations/Communications Committee: This committee maintains the OCRW website and social media site with up-to-date information that is useful, not only to our members, but to anyone who visits our site.
Other committees may be formed to fit the needs of our organization.
For questions on any of these committees, please contact us at
Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government;
Communicate pertinent information to all members;
Inform the public through political education and activity;
Foster loyalty to the Republican Party at all levels of government and promote its principles and ideals;
Work together with the Oconee County Republican Men (OCRM) and the Oconee County Republican Party (OCRP) to identify and support Republican candidates running for local, state or national office;
Support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee.
The OCRW has been an active part of the Oconee community for many years, working tirelessly to make it a better place. We promote the Republican Party and its candidates in Oconee County, work to draw new voters into the Republican Party, and empower and mobilize Republican women to be more effective in the political process.
Our members and associate members know the value of being connected. That’s why we meet, fellowship, and learn together to help our party stay strong, unified, and to help our county, state and country.
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